It's official: Spring is here! It happened this past weekend while I was trying to catch up on sleep and try to get all the errands/projects done, some force came over me pulling me into the garden. Time to stop ignoring those weeds and leggy looking plants and give not only my garden some love but also get a nurturing full body workout!
This morning it was soon appearant what muscles I had been neglecting on with my weekly workouts. So here is the challenge that I am going to try, and I assume you other garden lovers can do this as well. We will try to mimic our workout with shovels, rakes and weeding in the gym. Full body exercise that utilize both our pushing and pulling muscles at the same time.
We generally are not sedentary while we get our garden beds ready for Spring and Summer: there is generally a lot of heavy lifting of soil and unloading/loading organic material out of the trailer and into the garden. Not to mention many, many squats!
Here is the first out of 5 exercises that we will be guiding you through this week. to help get you in tip top shape for the veggie season!
Exercise: Fully Body Squat with Integrated Dumbbell Curls
Step 1
Starting Position: Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width, facing outward or turned slightly outwards while holding a dumbbell in each hand by your sides, with palms facing inwards. Depress and retract your scapulae (pull shoulders down and back).
Step 2
Downward Phase: Start the downward phase by first shifting your hips backwards then downwards to create a hinge-like movement at your knees. As you lower your hips the knees will then start to shift forward slowly, but try to control the amount of forward translation (movement) of the tibia (shinbone). While you are squatting down raise your forearms up towards your shoulders, keeping your palms facing one another performing a hammer curl. Attempt to keep your back flat.
Step 3
Continue to lower yourself until your thighs are parallel or almost parallel with the floor, or until your heels begin to lift off the floor, or until your torso begins to round or flex forward. Monitor your feet, ankles and knees, ensuring that the feet don't move, the ankles do not collapse in or out and the knees remain aligned over the second toe.
Step 4
Upward Phase: While maintaining your back, chest and head-up position, exhale and extend the hips and knees by pushing your feet into the floor through your heels. The hips and torso need to rise together while keeping the heels flat on the floor and knees aligned over the second toe. As you extend upward, slowly control your forearms through releasing your bicep muscle and bring your palms down toward your sides. Continue extending until you reach your starting position.
For More tips and training go to
Monday, April 11, 2011
It's official: Spring is here! It happened this past weekend while I was trying to catch up on sleep and try to get all the errands/projects done, some force came over me pulling me into the garden. Time to stop ignoring those weeds and leggy looking plants and give not only my garden some love but also get a nurturing full body workout!
This morning it was soon appearant what muscles I had been neglecting on with my weekly workouts. So here is the challenge that I am going to try, and I assume you other garden lovers can do this as well. We will try to mimic our workout with shovels, rakes and weeding in the gym. Full body exercise that utilize both our pushing and pulling muscles at the same time.
We generally are not sedentary while we get our garden beds ready for Spring and Summer: there is generally a lot of heavy lifting of soil and unloading/loading organic material out of the trailer and into the garden. Not to mention many, many squats!
Here is the first out of 5 exercises that we will be guiding you through this week. to help get you in tip top shape for the veggie season!
Exercise: Fully Body Squat with Integrated Dumbbell Curls
Step 1
Starting Position: Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width, facing outward or turned slightly outwards while holding a dumbbell in each hand by your sides, with palms facing inwards. Depress and retract your scapulae (pull shoulders down and back).
Step 2
Downward Phase: Start the downward phase by first shifting your hips backwards then downwards to create a hinge-like movement at your knees. As you lower your hips the knees will then start to shift forward slowly, but try to control the amount of forward translation (movement) of the tibia (shinbone). While you are squatting down raise your forearms up towards your shoulders, keeping your palms facing one another performing a hammer curl. Attempt to keep your back flat.
Step 3
Continue to lower yourself until your thighs are parallel or almost parallel with the floor, or until your heels begin to lift off the floor, or until your torso begins to round or flex forward. Monitor your feet, ankles and knees, ensuring that the feet don't move, the ankles do not collapse in or out and the knees remain aligned over the second toe.
Step 4
Upward Phase: While maintaining your back, chest and head-up position, exhale and extend the hips and knees by pushing your feet into the floor through your heels. The hips and torso need to rise together while keeping the heels flat on the floor and knees aligned over the second toe. As you extend upward, slowly control your forearms through releasing your bicep muscle and bring your palms down toward your sides. Continue extending until you reach your starting position.
This morning it was soon appearant what muscles I had been neglecting on with my weekly workouts. So here is the challenge that I am going to try, and I assume you other garden lovers can do this as well. We will try to mimic our workout with shovels, rakes and weeding in the gym. Full body exercise that utilize both our pushing and pulling muscles at the same time.
We generally are not sedentary while we get our garden beds ready for Spring and Summer: there is generally a lot of heavy lifting of soil and unloading/loading organic material out of the trailer and into the garden. Not to mention many, many squats!
Here is the first out of 5 exercises that we will be guiding you through this week. to help get you in tip top shape for the veggie season!
Exercise: Fully Body Squat with Integrated Dumbbell Curls
Step 1
Starting Position: Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width, facing outward or turned slightly outwards while holding a dumbbell in each hand by your sides, with palms facing inwards. Depress and retract your scapulae (pull shoulders down and back).
Step 2
Downward Phase: Start the downward phase by first shifting your hips backwards then downwards to create a hinge-like movement at your knees. As you lower your hips the knees will then start to shift forward slowly, but try to control the amount of forward translation (movement) of the tibia (shinbone). While you are squatting down raise your forearms up towards your shoulders, keeping your palms facing one another performing a hammer curl. Attempt to keep your back flat.
Step 3
Continue to lower yourself until your thighs are parallel or almost parallel with the floor, or until your heels begin to lift off the floor, or until your torso begins to round or flex forward. Monitor your feet, ankles and knees, ensuring that the feet don't move, the ankles do not collapse in or out and the knees remain aligned over the second toe.
Step 4
Upward Phase: While maintaining your back, chest and head-up position, exhale and extend the hips and knees by pushing your feet into the floor through your heels. The hips and torso need to rise together while keeping the heels flat on the floor and knees aligned over the second toe. As you extend upward, slowly control your forearms through releasing your bicep muscle and bring your palms down toward your sides. Continue extending until you reach your starting position.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Cycling Camp 101-Ride a Bike, Lose Fat and Get Fit

Do you love to cycle and want to participate in fun, scenic outdoor rides throughout the Portland area with awesome people while improving your fitness and riding performance? Then join us for this amazing program that begins Saturday April 1st. Cycling is a fabulous, low impact calorie burner and will help get you into amazing shape for summer!
Join us for an action-packed clinic this spring! Cycle Camp 101 rides will be geared toward increasing your endurance and power on your bike. We will be doing six challenging rides together to prepare you for the ride of your life!
Included in our Cycle Camp 101:
- Group Rides
- Focused skill building
- Individualized Training Program
- Kickoff meeting
- Beginning and End Body Composition
For More Info Call 503-234-7253
Friday, March 18, 2011
Lose your Fear of Lifting-the workout every Women needs!
Just because you're not vying for 20-inch biceps or thunderously strong thighs like the muscle heads in the gym doesn't mean you should shun the weight room.
Lifting weights, aka Resistance Training gives you an edge over belly fat, stress, heart disease, and cancer-and it's also the single most effective way to look hot in a bikini. Yet somehow women are still hesitant: Only about a fifth of females strength train two or more times a week.
Here are 10 reasons you shouldn't go another day without hitting the weights:
1. You'll lose 40 percent more fat.
If you think cardio is the key to blasting belly fat, keep reading: When Penn State researchers put dieters into three groups-no exercise, aerobic exercise only, or aerobic exercise and weight training-they all lost around 21 pounds, but the lifters shed six more pounds of fat than those who didn't pump iron. Why? The lifters' loss was almost pure fat; the others lost fat and muscle.
Muscle loss may drop your scale weight, but it doesn't improve your reflection in the mirror and it makes you more likely to gain back the flab you lost.
2. Your clothes will fit better.
Research shows that between the ages of 30 and 50, you'll likely lose 10 percent of your body's total muscle. Worse yet, it's likely to be replaced by fat over time, says a study. And that increases your waist size, because one pound of fat takes up 18 percent more space than one pound of muscle.
3. You'll burn more calories.
Lifting increases the number of calories you burn while your butt is parked on the couch; your Resting Metabolic Rate. In fact, researchers found that when people did a total-body workout with just three big-muscle moves, their metabolisms were raised for 39 hours afterward. It also makes you a better fat burner. The More lean body mass a person has the faster they are able to use up their primary source of fuel (glycogen) and tap into their fat stores!
Lifting gives you a better burn during exercise too: Doing a circuit of eight moves can expend 159 to 231 calories. That's about what you'd burn if you ran at a 10-mile-per-hour pace for the same duration.
4. Your diet will improve.
Exercise helps your brain stick to a diet plan. University of Pittsburgh researchers studied 169 overweight adults and found that those who didn't follow a three-hours-a-week training regimen ate more than their allotted 1,500 calories a day. The reverse was also true- sneaking snacks sabotaged their workouts.
5. You'll handle stress better.
Break a sweat in the weight room and you'll stay cool under pressure. Scientists determined that the fittest people exhibited lower levels of stress hormones than those who were the least fit.
6. You'll be happier.
Yoga isn't the only Zen-inducing kind of exercise. Researchers found that people who performed two weight workouts a week for six months significantly improved their scores on measures of anger and overall mood.
7. You'll build stronger bones.
As you age, bone mass goes to pot, which increases your likelihood of one day suffering a debilitating fracture. The good news: A study found that 16 weeks of resistance training increased hip bone density and elevated blood levels of osteocalcin-a marker of bone growth-by 19 percent.
8. You'll get into shape faster.
The term cardio shouldn't describe only aerobic exercise: A study found that circuit training with weights raises your heart rate 15 beats per minute higher than if you ran at 60 to 70 percent of your max heart rate. This approach strengthens muscles and provides cardiovascular benefits similar to those of aerobic exercise- so you save time without sacrificing results. An important one in our busy lives.
9. Your heart will be healthier.
Researchers at the University of Michigan found that people who did three total-body weight workouts a week for two months decreased their diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) by an average of eight points. That's enough to reduce the risk of a stroke by 40 percent and the chance of a heart attack by 15 percent.
10. You'll be way more productive. (take this one to HR)
Lifting could result in a raise (or at least a pat on the back from your boss). Researchers found that workers were 15 percent more productive on days they exercised compared with days they didn't. So on days you work out, you can (theoretically) finish in eight hours what would normally take nine hours and 12 minutes.
Box 2B Fit, starts again next Tuesday at 6pm! Come join Ryan for a fun, energetic, intense 1 hour workout! Learn the moves that the real pros use! Hurry and sign up class starts Tues, March 22nd!
Learn more about our Box2B Fit Class
Cycling Camp 101 starts April 16th! Have fun in the great outdoors of Portland and the surrounding area. You will learn how to ride in a group as well as climb and descend efficiently! Get in the best shape of your life and burn over 2000 calories per workout!
For more info and to sign up for the 3 month program, click here
South Sister Summit is coming at the end of August and will be the icing on the cake to all your hard work. We will spend the weekend in beautiful Bend Oregon and climb the 3rd tallest peak in Oregon! If you have ever been interested in challenging yourself with an amazing hike, this one is for you!
Click here to view more info about the 2011 Sisters Summit
Yours in Health & Wellness,
Tammie & James Dubberly and your Whole Body Fitness Team
Lifting weights, aka Resistance Training gives you an edge over belly fat, stress, heart disease, and cancer-and it's also the single most effective way to look hot in a bikini. Yet somehow women are still hesitant: Only about a fifth of females strength train two or more times a week.
Here are 10 reasons you shouldn't go another day without hitting the weights:
1. You'll lose 40 percent more fat.
If you think cardio is the key to blasting belly fat, keep reading: When Penn State researchers put dieters into three groups-no exercise, aerobic exercise only, or aerobic exercise and weight training-they all lost around 21 pounds, but the lifters shed six more pounds of fat than those who didn't pump iron. Why? The lifters' loss was almost pure fat; the others lost fat and muscle.
Muscle loss may drop your scale weight, but it doesn't improve your reflection in the mirror and it makes you more likely to gain back the flab you lost.
2. Your clothes will fit better.
Research shows that between the ages of 30 and 50, you'll likely lose 10 percent of your body's total muscle. Worse yet, it's likely to be replaced by fat over time, says a study. And that increases your waist size, because one pound of fat takes up 18 percent more space than one pound of muscle.
3. You'll burn more calories.
Lifting increases the number of calories you burn while your butt is parked on the couch; your Resting Metabolic Rate. In fact, researchers found that when people did a total-body workout with just three big-muscle moves, their metabolisms were raised for 39 hours afterward. It also makes you a better fat burner. The More lean body mass a person has the faster they are able to use up their primary source of fuel (glycogen) and tap into their fat stores!
Lifting gives you a better burn during exercise too: Doing a circuit of eight moves can expend 159 to 231 calories. That's about what you'd burn if you ran at a 10-mile-per-hour pace for the same duration.
4. Your diet will improve.
Exercise helps your brain stick to a diet plan. University of Pittsburgh researchers studied 169 overweight adults and found that those who didn't follow a three-hours-a-week training regimen ate more than their allotted 1,500 calories a day. The reverse was also true- sneaking snacks sabotaged their workouts.
5. You'll handle stress better.
Break a sweat in the weight room and you'll stay cool under pressure. Scientists determined that the fittest people exhibited lower levels of stress hormones than those who were the least fit.
6. You'll be happier.
Yoga isn't the only Zen-inducing kind of exercise. Researchers found that people who performed two weight workouts a week for six months significantly improved their scores on measures of anger and overall mood.
7. You'll build stronger bones.
As you age, bone mass goes to pot, which increases your likelihood of one day suffering a debilitating fracture. The good news: A study found that 16 weeks of resistance training increased hip bone density and elevated blood levels of osteocalcin-a marker of bone growth-by 19 percent.
8. You'll get into shape faster.
The term cardio shouldn't describe only aerobic exercise: A study found that circuit training with weights raises your heart rate 15 beats per minute higher than if you ran at 60 to 70 percent of your max heart rate. This approach strengthens muscles and provides cardiovascular benefits similar to those of aerobic exercise- so you save time without sacrificing results. An important one in our busy lives.
9. Your heart will be healthier.
Researchers at the University of Michigan found that people who did three total-body weight workouts a week for two months decreased their diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) by an average of eight points. That's enough to reduce the risk of a stroke by 40 percent and the chance of a heart attack by 15 percent.
10. You'll be way more productive. (take this one to HR)
Lifting could result in a raise (or at least a pat on the back from your boss). Researchers found that workers were 15 percent more productive on days they exercised compared with days they didn't. So on days you work out, you can (theoretically) finish in eight hours what would normally take nine hours and 12 minutes.
Box 2B Fit, starts again next Tuesday at 6pm! Come join Ryan for a fun, energetic, intense 1 hour workout! Learn the moves that the real pros use! Hurry and sign up class starts Tues, March 22nd!
Learn more about our Box2B Fit Class
Cycling Camp 101 starts April 16th! Have fun in the great outdoors of Portland and the surrounding area. You will learn how to ride in a group as well as climb and descend efficiently! Get in the best shape of your life and burn over 2000 calories per workout!
For more info and to sign up for the 3 month program, click here
South Sister Summit is coming at the end of August and will be the icing on the cake to all your hard work. We will spend the weekend in beautiful Bend Oregon and climb the 3rd tallest peak in Oregon! If you have ever been interested in challenging yourself with an amazing hike, this one is for you!
Click here to view more info about the 2011 Sisters Summit
Yours in Health & Wellness,
Tammie & James Dubberly and your Whole Body Fitness Team
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Trainer Tells All – What I Have Learned About Health and Fitness
I was walking the dogs yesterday and all of the sudden it just came to me. I just started thinking about how many things I’ve learned through my own personal working out (since I was a kid, a teenager on the dance squad, and playing competitive sports) as well as being a trainer. Realizing that fitness, in some shape or form, has been part of my life for over 20 years! So today I just wanted to share some of the things this 32yr old has personally learned about all things health and fitness….in no certain order….
• Pushups are the best upper body workout designed….working not only your chest but biceps, triceps and back…you don’t need any equipment and you can do them anywhere.
• It’s easy to become a certified trainer (as I have seen overweight people become certified)….although one of the most rewarding things in my life-it’s not easy to work as one full time (hence a high turnover rate in many clubs)
• Diet is 85% of where results come from…..for muscle and fat loss. My dear partner James, certified nutritionist has been drilling this into my head for over a decade now. Many don’t focus here enough. At the gym we try and combine this into all of our client’s plans.
• Working out too much doesn’t lead to good results….hence most people are still struggling after years of hard effort and little return. Getting down to the facts of how we need to balance ourselves and having accountability each and every workout is the key!
• Most people do not workout hard enough to make stronger muscles. Progressive load, pushing your muscles to “failure” and then a little more gets that fastest results. Harder does not mean heavier.
• It’s never too late to build muscle, lean body mass….and is more important as we grow older. We can help prevent osteoporosis and increase our metabolism by lifting weights!
• Balance is key- this goes for following intense workouts with a day of rest or very mellow cardio and also allowing yourself to indulge once per week on that cupcake or nice pint!
• Cross training is key to keeping fit and injury free- mix it up and try everything you will excel overall!
• There is no such thing as spot reduction…but there is a great business in selling that concept (Ab-reclining chair anyone?)
• The fittest people I know keep active daily doing what they enjoy
• Fitness and Muscle magazines never got me any real results
• Supplements are not all they are cracked up to be and are still in the business of making money not health.
• The best performance enhancing thing I know of….is a cup of coffee 30min before a workout/playing sports.
• Don’t skip breakfast!!!
• Don’t skip breakfast, it is so important I am reiterating this one!
• It’s a lot easier to stay fit and strong….once you get there
• All diets fail over the long run….but lifestyle changes last
Bottom Line, keep learning and growing. Fitness trends are constantly changing and keeping up to date with the latest research is the only way to ensure you stay focused and keep reaching for your goals!
• Pushups are the best upper body workout designed….working not only your chest but biceps, triceps and back…you don’t need any equipment and you can do them anywhere.
• It’s easy to become a certified trainer (as I have seen overweight people become certified)….although one of the most rewarding things in my life-it’s not easy to work as one full time (hence a high turnover rate in many clubs)
• Diet is 85% of where results come from…..for muscle and fat loss. My dear partner James, certified nutritionist has been drilling this into my head for over a decade now. Many don’t focus here enough. At the gym we try and combine this into all of our client’s plans.
• Working out too much doesn’t lead to good results….hence most people are still struggling after years of hard effort and little return. Getting down to the facts of how we need to balance ourselves and having accountability each and every workout is the key!
• Most people do not workout hard enough to make stronger muscles. Progressive load, pushing your muscles to “failure” and then a little more gets that fastest results. Harder does not mean heavier.
• It’s never too late to build muscle, lean body mass….and is more important as we grow older. We can help prevent osteoporosis and increase our metabolism by lifting weights!
• Balance is key- this goes for following intense workouts with a day of rest or very mellow cardio and also allowing yourself to indulge once per week on that cupcake or nice pint!
• Cross training is key to keeping fit and injury free- mix it up and try everything you will excel overall!
• There is no such thing as spot reduction…but there is a great business in selling that concept (Ab-reclining chair anyone?)
• The fittest people I know keep active daily doing what they enjoy
• Fitness and Muscle magazines never got me any real results
• Supplements are not all they are cracked up to be and are still in the business of making money not health.
• The best performance enhancing thing I know of….is a cup of coffee 30min before a workout/playing sports.
• Don’t skip breakfast!!!
• Don’t skip breakfast, it is so important I am reiterating this one!
• It’s a lot easier to stay fit and strong….once you get there
• All diets fail over the long run….but lifestyle changes last
Bottom Line, keep learning and growing. Fitness trends are constantly changing and keeping up to date with the latest research is the only way to ensure you stay focused and keep reaching for your goals!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
My Week in Reviews
Okay, so I am finished with resting my blogging brain and ready to get back on that horse. For one week I will be reviewing my favorite fitness and nutrition products! Starting today I would like to recommend the tool that I think is the most valuable for training, especially when you are working out on your own and have left the safe nest of your personal trainer! Heart Rate Monitor, the most accurate method to calculate your caloric expenditure, the calories out part of the equation. My favorite HRM our simple and easy to use.
Whole Body Fitness Recommends:
1. Omron HR-100C
This is a very basic heart rate monitor that i find invaluable. Yes, you are more than welcome to by the Ferrari version of a HRM, but as purely a tool for caloric expenditure, the simpler the better.
2. Polar FS2C
My second pic, the Polar FS2C, is a fantastic and reliable HRM. Polar has a great track record and is the leader in HRM.
3. Polar RS300X
You will never have to buy another HRM ever! Get all the essential heart rate features with this good-looking and simple-to-use training computer. RS300X is compatible with S1 foot pod™ and G1 GPS sensor, so you can combine heart rate with speed and distance. Only then you can truly make sense of your training and be sure it’s worth all the effort.
So, hopefully this is just what you need to begin shopping for that HRM I have been harping about. To all of you who have not found the power of the HRM Click Here!
Whole Body Fitness Recommends:
1. Omron HR-100C
This is a very basic heart rate monitor that i find invaluable. Yes, you are more than welcome to by the Ferrari version of a HRM, but as purely a tool for caloric expenditure, the simpler the better.
2. Polar FS2C
My second pic, the Polar FS2C, is a fantastic and reliable HRM. Polar has a great track record and is the leader in HRM.
3. Polar RS300X
You will never have to buy another HRM ever! Get all the essential heart rate features with this good-looking and simple-to-use training computer. RS300X is compatible with S1 foot pod™ and G1 GPS sensor, so you can combine heart rate with speed and distance. Only then you can truly make sense of your training and be sure it’s worth all the effort.
So, hopefully this is just what you need to begin shopping for that HRM I have been harping about. To all of you who have not found the power of the HRM Click Here!
Monday, November 8, 2010
3 Ways to Kick the Habit ... of Skipping Workouts
We know that we have begun to enter into the crazeof holiday extravaganza. Soon your calendar will be jam-packed full of parties and obligations. You may tell yourself that with all of this "stuff" you will just wait till tomorrow, next week or in a few weeks, to go to the gym. Life is one busy mess but that is why it is even more important to put your health first! Here are some ways to keep you motivated!
1. Keep your eye on the prize.
You must have a very strong "why" you are doing it. Always connect to that "why," especially when things get tough or you get busy. Remember those goals you set at the beginning. If your goal is to get back into your favorite jeans, hang them on the outside of your closet where you'll see them every morning when you wake up. For an extra nudge, pin up an old photo of yourself wearing them.
Or, if you're working toward a health goal such as lowering your blood pressure or relieving chronic back pain, mark your improvements on a chart posted on the fridge. Or tape a photo on your bathroom mirror of someone who's achieved a goal you're striving toward. Think fit, healthy-looking people your age playing tennis, climbing a mountain, training for a triathlon, running a 5K, or skiing with their kids!
2. Schedule a consistent workout time.
Set a regular time that fits into your daily and weekly schedule, and prioritize it just like you would a meeting with your boss or a top client.
Think of it this way: Skipping out on your commitment to take good care of yourself means sooner or later you'll start feeling depleted and run-down, with nothing left to give to those who count on you. Sticking to your fitness regimen not only helps keep you healthy, but also refills your well of physical and mental energy. So you're more likely to be there and be "on" in your job, relationships, family and others who matter to you.
3. Use the power of a pro to keep you on track.
You're much less likely to be a no-show for your workout when someone's waiting for you at the gym, track, pool, court .... Agree on a time and place to work out with a trainer. When someone's there, waiting, and holding you accountable to your exercise commitment, it's a mighty motivator.
Scheduling sessions with a personal fitness trainer creates an especially powerful incentive to work out: You'll feel a natural desire to make your trainer proud, and to respect the time commitment he or she blocked out to work with you. That's powerful inspiration when you're mulling whether to pull the sheets back over your head or pull on those gym shoes!
Yours in Health & Wellness,
Whole Body Fitness, Your Neighborhood Fitness Center, meeting all of your personal training needs
1. Keep your eye on the prize.
You must have a very strong "why" you are doing it. Always connect to that "why," especially when things get tough or you get busy. Remember those goals you set at the beginning. If your goal is to get back into your favorite jeans, hang them on the outside of your closet where you'll see them every morning when you wake up. For an extra nudge, pin up an old photo of yourself wearing them.
Or, if you're working toward a health goal such as lowering your blood pressure or relieving chronic back pain, mark your improvements on a chart posted on the fridge. Or tape a photo on your bathroom mirror of someone who's achieved a goal you're striving toward. Think fit, healthy-looking people your age playing tennis, climbing a mountain, training for a triathlon, running a 5K, or skiing with their kids!
2. Schedule a consistent workout time.
Set a regular time that fits into your daily and weekly schedule, and prioritize it just like you would a meeting with your boss or a top client.
Think of it this way: Skipping out on your commitment to take good care of yourself means sooner or later you'll start feeling depleted and run-down, with nothing left to give to those who count on you. Sticking to your fitness regimen not only helps keep you healthy, but also refills your well of physical and mental energy. So you're more likely to be there and be "on" in your job, relationships, family and others who matter to you.
3. Use the power of a pro to keep you on track.
You're much less likely to be a no-show for your workout when someone's waiting for you at the gym, track, pool, court .... Agree on a time and place to work out with a trainer. When someone's there, waiting, and holding you accountable to your exercise commitment, it's a mighty motivator.
Scheduling sessions with a personal fitness trainer creates an especially powerful incentive to work out: You'll feel a natural desire to make your trainer proud, and to respect the time commitment he or she blocked out to work with you. That's powerful inspiration when you're mulling whether to pull the sheets back over your head or pull on those gym shoes!
Yours in Health & Wellness,
Whole Body Fitness, Your Neighborhood Fitness Center, meeting all of your personal training needs
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