Friday, February 12, 2010

Is Cardio best before or after your workout?

I get this question asked all the time...

Is it best to do cardio before or after a weight lifting workout?

Well, I am glad you asked. First lets address why we want to do cardio. The goal of your cardio workout most likely is to accomplish one, if not both, of the following:
1. Burn Fat
2. Increase your Cardiorespiratory health/fitness
A warm up is just that- it is meant to get your blood pumping, physically warm you, and to begin joint fluid secretion, which helps prevent injuries. This is the reason one typically begins walking or light jogging before they begin to fully engage in a run.

Okay, back to cardio before or after. I will try and explain this plainly. It typically takes the average person (male or female) approximately 20 minutes before your body begins to use fat as a fuel source for energy. In the first 20 minutes your body is primarily recruiting glucose and muscle glycogen-both easier to break down. At the 20 minute mark, and not before are you shedding those fat cells.
If spending 30-45 minutes at the end of your workout just seems overwhelming and daunting. Try this, do some cardio in between each resistance exercise! One way to get in a very efficient and effective workout is our H.I.T.R program. Call now to inquire about our 30 minute workouts!
Or visit our website for a detailed description of the 30 minute program

So what do our clients do: A little cardio throughout and a bit more at the end.

Hope that gives you some direction to your workouts!

Yours in Health & Wellness,